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ESTES Porta-Pad E Launch Pad

ESTES Porta-Pad E Launch Pad

Stock code D-ES2238

Brand  ESTES

  Out of stock
Currently unavailable - please contact us for an delivery date or an alternative.
Quick to build as there's no glue or tools required. Includes a 6mm launch rod and safety cap. Porta Pad E can accept a 5mm Maxi Launch Rod (D-ES2244) - not included. You must be 18 years or older to launch rockets using E rocket motors.

Launch the big boys with the Estes� Porta-Pad� E Launch Pad. The Porta-Pad� E Launch Pad assembles quickly and easily, with no gluing required. The Porta-Pad� E Launch Pad comes with a � in. (6 mm) launch rod, but can accommodate an Estes� 3/16 in. (5 mm) MaxiT Launch Rod (not included).