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Ripmax Chris Foss WOT Trainer ARTF

Ripmax Chris Foss WOT Trainer ARTF

Stock code a-cf001a

Brand  Chris Foss

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Currently unavailable - please contact us for an delivery date or an alternative.

Quite simply, the best introduction to R/C flying!

The popular Chris Foss Wot Trainer has been updated to suit both Electric and I/C power. The addition of a cowling makes for a clean look and improved aerodynamics while still providing ample cooling.

As with the previous version of the Wot Trainer, it requires no glue for assembly and features a choice of tail dragger or trike undercarriage. The tapered wing provides exceptional stability, perfect for the novice pilot, but with maximum control movements and increased power, it is capable of more aerobatics than you would normally expect from this type of model.

ESC 60 Amp Brushless (Recommended)
Wingspan 1710mm (67.5")
Length 1280mm (50")
Weight 2.7-2.8kg (5.9-6.2lbs)
Servos 4 x Standard (Required)
Radio System 4 Channel (Required)
IC Engine .40 - .46 2-Stroke (Required)
LiPo 4S 4500mAh (Recommended)
Electric Motor Quantum II 40 (Recommended)

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